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How Dangerous Are Skunks In Salt Lake City, UT?

Skunk walking in a yard.

When Salt Lake City home and business owners seek out pest services, it’s usually to address bug issues. If any creatures are a factor, it might be mice. While those critters should definitely be tackled, the concerns don’t stop there. Various wildlife can be a threat, particularly if your spot is in proximity to a body of water or wooded zone.

It’s not as rare as you might think for wildlife to zero in on a property. A lot seem adorable and harmless, but looks can be deceiving. They can ruin land and structures. On top of that, many are capable of spreading or transmitting diseases. Skunks are no exception. You have to learn all you can about them, so you can be prepared for protection and prevention. Pest Pro Pest Control can assist you in this process.

How Do Skunks Look And Behave? What Are the Risks?

In the region, striped and spotted skunks are common. These animals vary in size from 1 to 3 feet long. Their elongated bodies are supported with four legs; the front pair are armed with claws. Often two-toned, their fur can be white and black, or brown and gray. Striped skunks are on the heavier side in terms of weight, being 6 to 10 pounds. A white stripe that splits into two starts at their head, and goes down their back and tail. Spotted skunks are a lighter 2 to 4 pounds. The white markings that adorn their figures differentiate them from their relatives. Some are splotchy, while the stripes are short and broken.

Skunks are outdoor pests that favor locations with plenty of vegetation, moisture, and organic matter. For instance, fields, forests, meadows, and the like. Therefore, it’s not a stretch that they would end up in residential or urban yards. The sheltered spaces and continual access to food are appealing to them. You may see these critters near your decks and foundations, sheds, wood stacks, and brush piles. Among the things they consume are:

  • Insects
  • Bird eggs
  • Small rodents
  • Fruit
  • Pet fare
  • Compost materials

Once more, skunks aren’t innocent. Their meal hunting practices result in damaged soil, landscaping, structures, and trash cans. The rubbish will be thrown everywhere. If you can avoid it, don’t approach these creatures. They’re carriers for rabies and pathogens, and they walk about with parasites in their fur. Both humans and domestic pets can become ill after an encounter. Should they feel defensive, skunks will release an odorous liquid from a gland around their tail. It could get in your eye and cause temporary blindness. The smelly substance lingers, and it’s not easy to remove from skin or clothing.

What Can Be Done to Prevent Skunks? 

Perform these tasks to discourage skunks:

  • Install fencing that goes underground to deter skunks from burrowing beneath your place and any outbuildings.
  • Cut the grass and trim the greenery on a routine basis. Cover ground holes, and get rid of organic debris.
  • Distance gardens and wood stacks from the property by at least two feet.
  • Use containers with locking lids for garbage and composts.
  • Bring outdoor pet food inside at night.
  • Keep any chickens in secure coops and don’t leave their eggs out.
  • Contact Pest Pro Pest Control if you have critters skunks might target.

What Can Pest Pro Pest Control Do About Skunks?

Given the dangers of skunks, it would behoove you to not take on eradication on your own. Besides, several related retail products aren’t really effective. They aren’t worth their high cost, or the gamble with toxicity. We at Pest Pro Pest Control have safe treatments and tools that are industrial-grade. Our expert technicians will employ live traps, baits, one-way doors, and more as necessary. Call today for a free consultation!

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