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Salt Lake City's Complete Fall Pest Protection Guide


With the exception of just a few, no insect or creature is tolerated in Salt Lake City. The vast majority of pests aren’t easy to live alongside. A great number of them are destructive, dangerous, or frightening to look at. Some are carriers for diseases, are fast procreators, or hard to eliminate – making matters worse.

Home and business owners need to be proactive about prevention and remediation. Critters are constantly on the move and trying to intrude. Residents or their loved ones could be in harm’s way. Entrepreneurs could lose their establishments with complaints about cleanliness and safety. Every season brings a new batch of crawling worries. You can find out what nuisances sneak in during the fall months and how you can combat them with assistance from Pest Pro Pest Control.

What Pests Show Up in the Fall? What Are the Risks?

Mice and roaches dominate our landscape during the fall months. The coolness in the air leads them to scavenge for warmer and cozier shelters. Common house mice can get to be as long as seven inches. They have hair that is short and black, gray, or brown and their tummies are usually a lighter hue. It’s simple for them to invade properties through tiny holes because their bodies are quite elastic. Indoors, they typically hide in spots like structural voids, basements, and cabinets. The humidity, dampness, darkness, and low-traffic is what drives them there. Areas that are wooded or grassy offer mice a comfortable home.

The mouse population can cause:

  • Foundational damage because they chew on walls to grind their teeth
  • Electrical outages or fires because they gnaw on wires and cords
  • The spread of illness-triggering bacteria because they live in filth, release waste, and have parasites in their fur

Roaches come in many sizes and colors. On average, they’re brown, reddish-brown, or black. Several have the ability to fly with wings. Just like house mice, these insects can enter through gaps of any size. Cracks and crevices around utilities, doors, windows, and walls are their normal passage points. They can enter your home on infested plants, bags, boxes, and even electronics. Cockroaches prefer settled, moist, and dark locations. On the outside, this means garbage and organic debris and on the inside, basements, bathrooms, and kitchens.

Roaches harbor germs that can cause the following:

  • The tainting of food and surfaces
  • Viruses and pathogens
  • Gastroenteritis
  • Allergic and asthmatic reactions

How Can Fall Pests Be Prevented?

You can simultaneously ward off mice and roaches with these steps:

  • Put sweeps on exterior doors, and keep screens intact
  • Close openings near foundations, piping, windows, and doors
  • Fix leaks and moisture fractures
  • Place flowers and plants at least two feet away from doors
  • Cut grass and trim greenery frequently
  • Wash out your gutters often
  • Reduce interior clutter
  • Put food and trash in storage containers with tight lids
  • Remove garbage, clean dishes, and vacuum regularly
  • Check out packages, bags, and plants before bringing them inside

How Does Pest Pro Pest Control Handle Fall Pests?

Pest Pro Pest Control has been successfully in business for the last decade with a well-rounded approach to pest management. Our proficient technicians perform full on-site inspections of interiors and exteriors to locate all vulnerable spaces. Treatments involve industrial-grade products and equipment for your safety and the safety of your pets and vegetation.

Extermination for mice and cockroaches may consist of traps, baits, sprays, gels, or liquids. We have treatment and prevention plans to help keep your home a welcome place for you but not for pests. Call the Pest Pro Pest Control today for a free inspection!

Learn more about our home pest control and commercial pest control services.

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