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Why Squirrels Around Your Salt Lake City Property Are More Dangerous Than You May Think

Squirrel on a bird feeder

There are some pests that have become so present in our lives, that we often don’t pay them much mind anymore. One such pest that we have here in Salt Lake City is the squirrel. They come into our yards, climb our trees, and some folks even feed them. However, did you know that squirrels aren’t the cute and cuddly animal that some people make them out to be? Rather, squirrels are dangerous rodents who can cause damage to our homes and spread a multitude of diseases to both us humans and our pets. As such, it is important for you to know some squirrel prevention techniques, and what your squirrel control options are should the problem become too severe. Don’t put your family at unnecessary risk. Take action against the squirrels on your Salt Lake City property.

Squirrel Need-To-Know Basics

Tree Squirrels, the most common type of squirrel living here in Utah, have reddish-brown, gray, or fully brown fur. They also have long, bushy tails that help them balance as they leap from treetop to treetop. In fact, they can sometimes look pretty cute. However, they are still rodents, so they should not be taken lightly. Like all rodents, squirrels have large front incisors that grow continuously throughout their lives. In order to keep their teeth from overgrowing, squirrels will constantly gnaw on objects so they grind down.

Threats Posed By Squirrels

Because of their need to always be chewing, squirrels can cause an awful lot of damage if they break into a home. They can chew wiring, piping, drywall, clothing, furniture, and just about anything else they can get their teeth on. 
Unfortunately, when it comes to squirrels, damage is often the least of your concerns. That’s because squirrels are known to carry a wealth of diseases which they can then transmit to us or our pets. As such, even if squirrels have not entered your home, but are just around your yard, they are still a cause for concern. Some diseases that squirrels have been known to spread include leptospirosis, Lyme disease, salmonellosis, tularemia, and rabies. 

Squirrel Prevention Techniques

Because squirrels can cause so much destruction to our property and transmit harmful diseases, it is important to take the proper measures to keep from attracting squirrels to your property. Additionally, you should try to seal any entry points through which squirrels might gain access to your home. To accomplish these, you should:

  • Remove bird feeders from your yard.
  • Pick up any fallen fruits or vegetables off of trees in your yard.
  • Pick up any uneaten pet food after your pet has finished eating.
  • Keep porches and other outdoor seating and dining areas free of food scraps and spills.
  • Refrain from purposefully feeding squirrels. 
  • Seal up any holes on the exterior of your home including under eaves and on the roof.
  • Place caps on the chimney.
  • Trim back tree branches from the exterior of your home.
  • Place a metal sheeting around the base of trees on your property to prevent squirrels from climbing up them. 
  • Try to keep basement, shed, and garage doors closed as much as possible. 

For More Squirrel Prevention Advice & Assistance

If you have any further questions about squirrel prevention, or if you require assistance in dealing with a squirrel problem on your property, contact the professionals here at Pest Pro Pest Control today. Our wildlife control treatment plans are designed not only to remove current infestations, but to make sure they don’t come back altogether. Don’t let squirrels overtake your property, give us a call today!

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