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3 Signs Your Salt Lake City Property May Have A Carpenter Ant Problem

A carpenter ant on wood

Part of what makes pest management so tricky is the sheer number of them. For every insect or creature, there are multiple subtypes. Most folks think nothing separates them beyond color, size, or shape. This isn’t accurate though. Differences often lie with lifespan, habitat, behavior, and diet. One of the most critical elements is the risk factors. While some critters won’t or can barely harm you, others are lethal.

For ants, they can all be dangerous because they disperse bacteria. Further, they are capable of contaminating food and surfaces. Several can ruin belongings or a home or business in Salt Lake City.  Similar to termites, with similar descriptive looks, these insects destroy wood. By understanding infestation indicators, you’ll know when to contact Pest Pro Pest Control.

Signs Of Infestation

Finding Discarded Swarmer Wings

One thing that distinguishes carpenter ants from others is their size. Being ¼ to ½ of an inch long, they’re larger than average. As far as shading goes, it varies. They could be orange, brown, reddish-black, black, yellow, tan, or red. In their colonies, members have specific characteristics. Case in point, worker ants, who do most of the shredding have front mandibles that are quite large. Meanwhile, the reproductive swarmers have scaly wings. When a nest reaches capacity and it’s time to mate, the swarmers fly away. You’ll catch them buzzing around lights, or coming from entrance holes made by the workers. They often shed their wings.

Seeing Stacks of Wood Shavings

The impact of carpenter ants can be felt and seen because they nest inside, make tunnels, and carve out passageways. Deteriorating or moist trees, logs, and lumber are havens for these insects. When they excavate material, the chippings and shavings will begin to add up. A pile will form outside of the affected wood. The body parts of dead ants are often mashed up with it.

Hearing Noises From Behind Walls

Carpenter ants have access to properties through openings around roof and utility lines, vents, foundations, and even wires. Once they’ve attacked wood, they’ll wreck it from the inside out. The cosmetic damage will soon enough be apparent. With the exception of swarmers, these ants remain behind walls. If you listen closely, you should be able to hear their rustling movements. When you tap on a foundation, it might sound hollow.

Carpenter Ant Prevention & Pest Pro Pest Control Extermination

To make your property less attractive to carpenter ants, you’ll have to focus on building care, routine cleaning practices, and yard maintenance. Concentrating on these areas will rectify entry points and the food and water sourcing that sustains the critters:

  • Have gaps around foundations, doors, windows, paneling, and pipes sealed
  • Make sure windows and doors have quality weather stripping and sweeps
  • Get leaks and other moisture issues repaired
  • Place garbage and food in canisters with tight lids
  • Keep your kitchen and dining spaces neat
  • Cut down rotting trees, and discard decaying wood
  • Sit loose wood and plants at least two feet away from exterior doors
  • Reach out to Pest Pro Pest Control if you have other critters that carpenter ants consume

At Pest Pro Pest Control, we believe in a holistic approach. Our skilled technicians won’t just treat the interior or exterior; they’ll get to both. It won’t just be the floors or the perimeter that’s examined. The cupboards, counters, roof eaves, and windows will be checked. Our team is determined to locate entryways and nests. Your current ant troubles will be solved, and future ones will be deterred. We offer recurring follow-up visits and specialty solutions. Don’t hesitate to call us at Pest Pro Pest Control, you’ll get a free inspection!

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