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What To Do About Problematic Birds Around Your Utah County Property

Pigeon pest birds

When birds fly through the air, they inspire a sense of beauty and peace. We’re all familiar with their songs when they perch in the trees between flights. However, what about when those wild birds become problematic?

Some species of birds actually make things worse for your Utah County property by causing extensive damage and even creating unhealthy conditions. What species do you need to watch out for most? The troublesome birds on our list are:

  • Pigeons: These gray and off-white birds are a big problem for property owners thanks to their homing instincts that lead them to establish nests. While not a direct threat, there are qualities they have that can be hazardous, which we’ll cover later. 
  • Woodpeckers: These birds grow to be 6-18 inches long and vary wildly in color. However, most males boast red on their heads. They can be further identified by their stout beaks, which are nearly chisel-like in their sharpness. 
  • Mud Swallows: Also known as barn swallows, these birds are graceful in flight and possess long deeply forked tails. As their name implies, they build mud nests, which are often on man-made structures.

Why Pest Birds Are A Problem

It takes a lot to have a bird classified as a pest for property owners. The exact reason why pest birds are problematic depends largely on what type of birds we’re talking about. For example, pigeons are known for having highly corrosive excrement that damages nearly any surface it comes into contact with. Plus, their droppings can carry a range of diseases as well as present a slipping hazard.

In the case of woodpeckers, their need to peck holes and drill into wood surfaces makes them an immediate threat to your property if they become interested in your home. Their favorite targets are damaged siding and shingles. And they are also known to spread respiratory diseases.

Ultimately, the nesting habits of pest birds are the biggest problem property owners face. Some nests such as mud nests that swallows build can lead to property damage. Other nests can cause water damage or a fire hazard depending on their location. These factors make pest bird prevention and exclusion a top priority.

Ways to Deter Wild Birds

Here are a few pest bird-prevention tips that may help in keeping nuisance, damaging, and potentially dangerous pest birds away from your property:

  • Reduce standing water: Part of what inspires birds to nest is easy access to water. If you have standing water on the premises, then you can expect birds to make themselves at home. 
  • Clean areas and trash: The trashcans and surrounding areas need to be covered and cleaned regularly to deter birds and other pests from sticking around. 
  • Don’t feed them: A lot of people like to feed birds because they don’t really think about the impact birds have on the property until it’s too late. If you feed them, they will stay. Don’t let that happen to you. 
  • Trim the trees: Birds like to be in the trees. It’s natural for them to do so. However, when trees get too close to the house, birds might get curious about nesting and cause problems. Keep those trees trimmed to establish better boundaries.

Corral The Birds With Pest Pro Pest Control

Nuisance birds become annoying as soon as they decide your house is their home base. Different birds cause different problems, but none are really welcome. At Pest Pro Pest Control, our team works to remove the birds from the property safely and in accordance with local laws. Take back control of your home by giving us a call. We’ll be there for you for this and any other pest problem that comes up.

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